Tracey Lomrantz Lester in Chicago

Tracey Lomrantz Lester in Chicago

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a


breakfast held at


here in Chicago. Gilt's newly named editorial director

Tracey Lomrantz Lester

was on hand and looking radiant in about a million shades of red and pink.

Can we talk about these jeans for a moment?! They're

Chip and Pepper

with some seriously expert DIYing done by Tracey herself.

Tracey definitely knows what time it is, thanks to this awesome bracelet/watch stack.  Especially loving the weird chunky bracelet at the top.

Also Ms. Tracey has

hand picked some of her favorite items on Gilt exclusively for Chicago.

So get over there and check them out. And, if you're not already a member of Gilt, I highly suggest signing up :)

Lynne Bredfeldt on Lake Street

Lynne Bredfeldt on Lake Street

Ashley Scott in Wicker Park

Ashley Scott in Wicker Park